Saturday, June 29, 2013

Saturday Breakfast: Cottage Cheese Pancakes

Despite, as I've said before, my many misgivings about my love of cooking, it is one of the places I go to zen out. (And the good lord knows I need a small village of zen right now.)

I know you're dying to find out (okay, mildly curious, but run with me here) what about my life is making me want to run all the way to Alaska, yeah? Well, thank you for asking.
A lot, actually.

For the moment, though, I'm thinking of the organic cottage cheese which has somehow managed to go sour within two days of my getting it from the Fancy Whole Food Store.

In other words, this is not a breakfast that we wake up to with joy anymore.
And so, I decided this morning to do something about the souring cottage cheese. And then, I found this:

But um, near-empty pantry. (Yes, once again. Let it go, really.)
And so we ended up with an eggless version of this recipe.

I used:
Equal portions of: cottage cheese, granola and flax meal substitute for eggs.
The rest of the recipe stays the same.

Here's the batter:

And here's the pancake-on-the-pan

And here's what the final product looked like: Savory and sweet, just perfect.

If I had to drown my troubles in pancakes, this is indeed the one I'd have chosen.


Santosh Kumar T K said...

troubles and pancakes don't share the same zip code, no? :(

It's nice and heartwarming to see experiments and mini recipes! :)

freeze-dried said...

I'm loving that you took the time to comment.
Unfortunately, for the time being, said troubles and pancakes *do* share zip. But, it'll pass, no?