
Friday, February 15, 2013


This has been my most persistent headache yet. Despite an hour's downtime and three cups of chai the damn thing hasn't given up. And my teeth are rotting.

And that makes me feel like this:

Roz: ...I'm in a very crappy mood.
Niles: Are you limping?
Roz: I twisted my ankle on the stairs. And you know how that happened? I couldn't find the shoes that went with this dress so I wore these stupid three-inch spikes and the "check-engine" light on my dash keeps coming on.
Niles: What does that have to do with your ankle.

Roz: Nothing! It really Ticks Me Off!

(From Frasier, SE8Ep.2)

That is me.
I have a headache. And a toothache.
My attempts at gift making have been consistently disastrous. My knack for artsy things, it turns out, is bupkis. It is " less than bupkis. (It is) what Bupkis keeps for lint in its pocket." (Also a Niles Crane Quote)
And I haven't heard back from any of the people to whom I've written about internships. Bother.

#EndofRant (Sita, this is for you. I should apologize for not resisting, no?)

On the upside: I'm adding more books to my reading list (also updated on the reading list page).
1. A Quiet Revolution by Leila Ahmed
2. The book of the Long Sun  by Gene Wolfe.

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