
Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 14

(Other titles that I briefly considered for this post: "They're writing songs of love" / "The Obligatory Valentine's Day post)

As an adult (as opposed a teenager with a half-developed hypothalamus), I haven't thought with any seriousness about Valentine's day. But after reading posts for the day by Pearls & Jades, Sita and DM, and after seeing Jumbo Jibbles' Jibbly Valentines, I now want to make a Valentine's day post.

And so I've spent half the day trying to think of memorable Valentine's Days from my Takei Youth. Because, you know, I was much more reactive then than I am now. The Hallmarkity of the holiday bothered me so much more then than it does now. And to my crazed youthful mind, demonstration was the only acceptable way of expressing one's disdain of popular norms.

The first of these demonstrations that comes to mind is the time when a bunch of us (RDP, Witches - y'all have got to remember this) went to college dressed entirely in black. Black trousers, black shirts. We had to have looked like little mad goth kids.  It helped a little, I think, that we were doing a visual presentation on the Lord of the Flies. But this also meant we wore little chains made of seashells which, from a distance, looked like little skulls (I realized this much too late). Fun Valentine's on the whole.

The other Valentine's occasion that I remember (I can't be sure that it was on the day, specifically) is when I wore a self-painted "Ask Yourself", T-shirt to work in order to offset some rather misogynistic "Why do fools fall in love?" black shirts that some of the guys had printed for themselves. This might (I'm fuzzy on the details) have been prompted by their refusal to let the girls join in their black-shirt-wearing business.

This Valentine's day, here I am, sipping my first Sprite in a long, long time, writing this post. Like Pearls and Jades, we too had pizza chez-nous. And that is our big gift to ourselves. We're just relishing the complete lack of post-dinner clean up and spending that time doing other things instead.

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