
Friday, January 11, 2013

Pinteresty things and other excitements

First, I just realized that some of my recent post titles make no sense.
I have no real excuse other than that I type these things up at the end of my day, tucked into bed, usually under the comforter, on a mobile device of some sort, trying as hard as I can not to awaken the household. And writing while holding your breath for even short bursts of time is bloody hard work. That is all.*
And no, I'm not going back to change the titles.

Because dammitall, y'all, I have things to say.

For instance, my new cd rack / glorified bookshelf has arrived ahead of time. I haven't put it together yet, but I'm indecently excited about the prospect. Ah, prefab, DIY furniture, how you do get me! I've grown somewhat weary of living out of packing crates and cartons. And cartons attract spiders, apparently. Two fantastic reasons for setting the shelf up soon.

Once I'm done, I imagine that my living room will look like a tastefully done Study on an Ikea floor. In real-life, however, it'll probably look like my tech and non-tech mess has crawled out of the cardboard box up onto a shelf with the express purpose of becoming more visible.
That, however, does not deter me from visualizing beautiful Pinterest-inspired visions of elegance.

It's true, I've been somewhat obsessed with Pinterest, lately. (I'm frozendry there too). Mostly, I've been using it to look up food ideas for dairy and egg free meals - new tastes, things I've not tried cooking at home etc.** So yeah, my Food board is inordinately large, but I promise you that's not all I do there. I also follow things of incredible beauty that make my heart happy - like book lists, pop-culture geekity...and design ideas.

Speaking of design inspirations, I've also been thinking about Twang and Twig - who puts together inspired(ing) packages of trinkets for purchase through subscription. I heard of TwangandTwig through a friend who posted pictures of a board that she received from them. And I have been in tow minds about them. On one hand, sometimes, their Pinterest pins set off my orientalist alarms. Plus, I feel a little guilty - Since they're styled very much as Essentially American South, I worry that my curiosity of them in itself a fetishization, an exoticization of a local culture.

But on the other hand, the very thought of receiving a handpicked assortment of pretty junk makes my being go Boing! Boing!

So, which of you wants to give me a Twang and Twig Trinket Society Membership, to help me decide how I feel, then?

*"But", you might say, "can't you just stay out in the living room or study and finish the post before going to bed?" Well, I suppose I could. But it's not all warm and cozy out there is it? The bed, the big bed with ghastly yellow sheets. It beckons. And it has taken classes from the hypnotoad.

**My relatively newfound love of cooking to feed a party is a post for a later day. I've had part of it saved up as a draft and haven't gotten around to it so far - so in all fairness, that might not be anytime soon.

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