Excitingly, more than one person asked me to Blogathon before I badgered asked them if they would this year (Yes, you. You know who you are.)
How. Flippin'. Exciting.
(Seriously, you *have* to spare 55 seconds of your life to watch Maurice Moss. Do It!)
Here are our usual suspects for Blogathon Month 2013:
1. The Sibling
2. R.D.P
3. The Other Sibling
4. Simbly Bored
5. The Phoenix
6. Allison
7. Xhelsea M.
Plus, this time around, I've asked new favorite people to hop on board. And so, joining us for the First Time Ever:
*Zugenia - a new friend and a delightful blogger
*Apisces - another new friend whose work I can't wait to read
*Sita - an old friend and fantastic person
Also re-joining us, with the promise of regular, if not daily blogging this month,
* R.S. a.k.a PreventionGeek - her professional blog is here and a personal one (where she's one of the contributors) is here.
I'm behind on creating a blog roll for this specifically, but that'll happen in the next day or two.
The rules, as ever, remain the same:
1. Through the month of February (1-28), write one original, meaningful post a day (well, meaningful to you, if not anyone else).
2. Send me an email telling me you're on board and I'll add you to the 28 day blog scroll.
3. Invite other people if you'd like: the more, the merrier etc.
The only change is that this time I actually do have ideas for gifts and I'm getting better with my follow-up. Promise.
Now, if you're here and want to get on board and I've forgotten you. Send me an email (frozendry at gmail dot com).
Aside from that, We're On, people!
How. Flippin'. Exciting.
(Seriously, you *have* to spare 55 seconds of your life to watch Maurice Moss. Do It!)
Here are our usual suspects for Blogathon Month 2013:
1. The Sibling
2. R.D.P
3. The Other Sibling
4. Simbly Bored
5. The Phoenix
6. Allison
7. Xhelsea M.
Plus, this time around, I've asked new favorite people to hop on board. And so, joining us for the First Time Ever:
*Zugenia - a new friend and a delightful blogger
*Apisces - another new friend whose work I can't wait to read
*Sita - an old friend and fantastic person
Also re-joining us, with the promise of regular, if not daily blogging this month,
* R.S. a.k.a PreventionGeek - her professional blog is here and a personal one (where she's one of the contributors) is here.
I'm behind on creating a blog roll for this specifically, but that'll happen in the next day or two.
The rules, as ever, remain the same:
1. Through the month of February (1-28), write one original, meaningful post a day (well, meaningful to you, if not anyone else).
2. Send me an email telling me you're on board and I'll add you to the 28 day blog scroll.
3. Invite other people if you'd like: the more, the merrier etc.
The only change is that this time I actually do have ideas for gifts and I'm getting better with my follow-up. Promise.
Now, if you're here and want to get on board and I've forgotten you. Send me an email (frozendry at gmail dot com).
Aside from that, We're On, people!
Add me!
ReplyDeleteDogne! You've been on the sidebar scrolling list. But I'll add you on this post too!