Monday, January 30, 2012

28 days - Part Deux

'Tis the season to be blogathoning. Fa-La-la-lala... etc.

R.D.P wrote to me a few days ago reminding me that February was right around the corner.
And that means its time for the regular February Blogathon.

The rules are simple.
1. Through the month of February (1-29), write one original, meaningful post a day (well, meaningful to you, if not anyone else).*
2. Send me an email telling me you're on board and I'll add you to the 29 day blog scroll.
3. Invite other people if you'd like: the more, the merrier etc.

If you'd like to see what I did last year, click here.
Some of the other people that did this with me last year: R.D.P , A.B. who is now at Jumbo JibblesS.B. and Cab. MerlignonThe Phoenix, who joined late, Whirlus who dropped off halfway.
I know I'm missing a couple, but if you're out there and I haven't included you, mail me! (

Come now, get on board!

* What this means is you can, for instance, have a quote that you find particularly relevant, but you can't leave it at that. You have to write about it in some way.

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