Due to a family emergency, I've fallen woefully behind on posting and reading.
For this, I apologize. Unfortunately, I can't promise regular posts for a little while longer.
In the meanwhile, however, we have a fantastic set of Book Club posts:
1) Simbly Bored's list of non-fic reading is here
2) R.D. is now reading Old Man and the Sea - her post on C. S. Lewis is here
3) Eileen's wonderful "(Not) So Crafty Book Review" - which also totally qualifies for the book club post
4) A.B.'s post on "The Wind Done Gone" and I know she's reading a bunch of other wonderful stuff, which you should look out for!
In my absence, Simbly Bored has agreed to take on hosting the book club. But, if you wonderful folks - posting and / or reading - want to take turns, please, please do. And please keep me posted so I can link accordingly.
Happy Reading, folks! And keep me in your thoughts. I'll try and come back as soon as I can!
For this, I apologize. Unfortunately, I can't promise regular posts for a little while longer.
In the meanwhile, however, we have a fantastic set of Book Club posts:
1) Simbly Bored's list of non-fic reading is here
2) R.D. is now reading Old Man and the Sea - her post on C. S. Lewis is here
3) Eileen's wonderful "(Not) So Crafty Book Review" - which also totally qualifies for the book club post
4) A.B.'s post on "The Wind Done Gone" and I know she's reading a bunch of other wonderful stuff, which you should look out for!
In my absence, Simbly Bored has agreed to take on hosting the book club. But, if you wonderful folks - posting and / or reading - want to take turns, please, please do. And please keep me posted so I can link accordingly.
Happy Reading, folks! And keep me in your thoughts. I'll try and come back as soon as I can!
Best wishes about the emergency. I hope you and everyone involved comes through it alright.