
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Invitation: Summer Book-Club-On-A-Blog

Aight. In the spirit of the blogathon, I'm inviting you to a summer e-book club.
I have a book list to get through by the end of June (for exams etc.). And you've (at least hopefully) got the summer on your hands, yes? So, I'm thinking, why not squeeze some blogability out of this, eh?

So here's what I'm proposing:
  1. Come up with a list of books that you want to read by June 30, 2011. The list could be as short or as long as you'd like. Those books gathering dust on that shelf there? You want to put those on your list. The ones you're already reading? Perfect, throw them on there too. And feel free to pull from my booklist on the sidebar.
  2. The goal is to write one post a week about the book / books that you have read during the week. If you haven't finished a book before your post it due, that's cool beans!, post anyway - talk about your thoughts on the book so far.
  3. Ping me so I put you on the blog list again.

What's game? Short Stories, Novellas, Novelettes, Novels, Plays, Poetry, Graphic Novels, Comics. But not magazines; no, really. Not.

Simbly Bored  and RD have said they're game. As has Usha.
A.B, Eileen join me?

And anyone else who wants to get on board with this, comment below or mail me and I'll put you on the list! 


  1. Oki doke. Just a post a week? That's fine. I have a book I read with J, one for the way to and from work, one at work, and one for home when I"m not reading with J.

    I obviously work in a library.

  2. AB, you have too many books to read.

    My summer reading list is pretty heavy on economic race theory, but I'm in. I might crib heavily from your reading list, freezedried. I might do some re-read posts and finally get to The Iron Council, etc.

  3. a.b. - LoL. You're adorable. And awesome for the simultaneous reading. Glad to have you on board!

    Eileen: Yay! This is good!

  4. Also, Eileen: Economic race theory take priority, obviously. But, when you're looking for that break, please, please do pick off my list. I'd love to read what you have to say about these books.
    (That goes for you too A.B. - The only reason Game of Thrones is not on there is because its on my 'After-the-Exams' list.)

  5. I feel silly! What gadget did you use for your book list?

  6. a.b.: I'm using a Text box for the sidebar display with a link to a new page where I've posted my list. And not silly at all!

  7. Ok, my first post is up. You might want to put up a feed or something to track these posts too so we can check what the others are reading. :)

  8. I wanna join your book club! I'm a friend of AB's and I have this blog over here and I just became unemployed, so time's a-stacking up:

  9. Hello, hello Samtron - yes please! Hop on! I'm lagging behind and have very limited access to blogger right now - but, welcome aboard!
