Saturday, May 14, 2011


I've not cooked in a whole goram month (can you tell I'm re-watching Firefly).

I'm grading papers, sure - but I finally decided that I want to cook. Really cook, paying attention to the things I'm making instead of just tossing a whole bunch of things together or pulling things out of packets.
So, today - I'm making Laadi pav - a hot slab of bread.
Here's the recipe and I'll post pictures as soon as I have some.


a. b. said...


I wanna re-watch Firefly. But we still haven't finished our BSG re-watch. And now we're watching Game of Thrones. You've right that, right? But you're more sci-fi than fantasy I guess.


freeze-dried said...

We're in Season 3 of BSG - we've had to put it on hold because of things like school. Ooh. And I've been waiting to read / watch Game of Thrones. I'm going to have to hold it off until thesis defense atleast, though. And yeah, I've been more SF that F, but I'm all for Fantasy fic.

Thank you!