This one is for the lil' sis.
So, you remember how ma gave us such a hard time about being sarcastic and commenting about everything? Finally, eventually, I got rid of the nasty teeth. But guess what, the more people I meet, the more I wish I hadn't.
I can never stop being sarcastic I think.Considering that I am overly sensitive,I think this works as a decent defense mechanism.
Also,comment about everything,well I still comment,but not about everything.Sigh!Side effect of growing old I think!
I will not tell you to be sarcastic or comment,but you still have the ability to yell at people no?So its ok! And tell me who these people are....Chun chun key I'll send termites to their houses!
-Yours dramatically,
Ah! Again with the love. Muah.
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