I have this terrible propensity to start / take on more than one project at a time. This is especially true after I've had a break of some sort. I'm amazed that I went as long as I did before taking on two projects - the blogathon and the South Asian Women Writers Challenge - at once.
To top this off, I'm traveling right now...and somehow find myself with another project in the wings.
All this is making me want to jump about excitedly. It is also giving me a slight headache (actually, that might be the result of gallivanting in the cold).
I need to reply to comments on my own posts (if you've commented, I've ad it, but thanks to a spotty Internet connection, I've been unable to reply).
The same goes for some of your posts (I've been reading, y'all. Promise.)
It's two days to go and my travel plans are crazy uncertain right now. But, in a couple of days, homestead and then everything I promised!
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