
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Compensatory Post

Yesterday I learnt that one can fall asleep sitting up. Completely and deeply asleep. I stayed that way until the partner walked in and coaxed me to lie down.
So, with apologies, here's my post for yesterday.

In the last two days, I've been reminded to be grateful for the wonderful, beautiful people that I know.

Sometimes, I'm grateful for the strangers in my life.
And I do meet the strangest strangers (Usually and completely believably on public transport).  Sometimes these are just quirky people who are full of themselves. At other times, these are strangers who will talk to me, whatever their misgivings, to share the most random details of their lives. And some of them are downright creepy (most recently a Creepy-Man-on-the-bus tried to convince me that Hoosier was just a nice way of saying KKK.).

I'm grateful today for all these encounters with random strangers.
Thank you for sharing your stories with me.

Closer home - and so much less creepily - friends, family and blogathoners near and far.
It's midway through the damn month.
We're all tired (for whatever reasons) and cheating or not cheating, y'all are still keeping up. This year more than the others, this is overwhelming me. Y'all are awesome and always an inspiration.
You rock my world.
I'm thankful for you. <3 p="">

P.S. Notice, dear reader, that I've successfully avoided footnotes and Asterisks in this post (because, a dear reader -you know who you are - pointed out that it was entirely too tedious). I could not, however, resist this post-script.

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