
Sunday, February 3, 2013

New additions and a quick, quick post

First, some housekeeping:
My dear old friend, Jumbo Jibbles has also been blogathoning. I'm excited! You should go to her blog and buy some of her stuff. It is awesome. She made me these, two years ago. Around February, too!
Hello, old friend. She's not yet on my scroll, but I'll put her there when I'm at a real computer (and not a mobile device).

Also, you'll notice that I somehow left Pearls and Jade off my kick-off tally. So, hello, Pearls & Jade. (She's on the scroll already.)

And, A-Pisces now blogs here. (Sidebar link to be updated soon).

Now, onto other stuff.
I *do* have more to say about the rubbish ideas about motherhood and work that continue to persist in our world - with anecdotal evidence, of course. But, nevermind that for today. I'll get to it.

For right now, however, it Superbowl Sunday and everydbody's having having fun, fun, fun.
As am I, even if i know less than squat about American football.
And so it is, that I'm taking a page out of Zugenia's book and soaking up Sunday family time. This weekend that has meant house-cleaning, a wee bit of consumerist spending, thinking about sleep training and cooking.

I've also been reading Stupefying Stories and thinking about BattleStar Galactica and Pearl & Jade's post on the ethics of photography. In other words, dear reader, this will have to be today's post - with just a hint of the things that might surface in posts during the week.

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