
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Books and Yarn

Each time I have to buy a book - you know, when I love it ardently enough to own it, when I want to read it but it isn't available at any library nearby, when I'm at a used book store, when I was at the Sunday Book Market in Koti - I now have to ask myself if I want an e-book or a regular paperback.

E-books work especially well because my situation requires a good deal of moving - we haven't put roots yet - and it is just so much easier to keep track of one's books when they're on an electronic device. Since I use a kindle or a kindle app - aside from the horror of Amazon going in and deleting books for which I've paid, I don't particularly have to worry about losing my books.*
Sometimes, e-books are cheaper than their print counterparts.

On the whole, I'm no luddite. But paper books, ftw y'all!
Yeah, yeah you've heard all the romantic and not romantic reasons for owning tangible books.
But me, the biggest reason I'm a fan is that more than once, entirely by accident, I have found cheap, used paper books that are signed copies. Each of these times, I paid less than four dollars for the book (Grad Student. Cheapness is key).
And this is what I miss when I buy ebooks.

Besides, I keep thinking, What if I Love This Book and then run into the author.
How will I get the book signed? 

(This is a jagged jump, agreed.)
 I've been thinking of Jon Armstrong's "Grey" and it's sequel, "Yarn" (Thanks to the Galactic Suburbia Podcast from sometime last year). The series apparently puts fashion at the center of an sf/f story.
And with my newfound love of knitting, I'm so toying with the idea of putting these books on my reading list.

Alongside, I'm finally getting to a knitting project that I've been meaning to start on for months now. I'm no skillful and elegant knit-wizard. And knitting, to me, is so much like cooking - a pleasure ridden with guilt and dread.

Small wonder then, that I've been dragging my feet. The most I've done is to visit the new local yarn store to getmyself the right kind of needles and wool for a couple of projects that I have In mind.

Next, I'm going to try and use Ravelry more actively to do something about the pretty yarn stash that I've somehow collected. (If you're there, find me.)

Exciting. I love new projects.

*Just in case I wasn't clear - this is creepy as hell and not something that I can stand for.

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