It's a New Year, then?
[Wait...Wasn't it just yesterday that I was an awkward teen (preteen?) leaning out of my grandmother's balcony yelling, "Happy New Year! Happy New Year!" in a valiant attempt at wild revelry within my meager means? No? Damn!]
This year, I thought I'd start by getting a new blog-look.
And so I've spent the last two hours choosing a blog template and and re-doing the colors and fonts.
I was quite ready to call it quits, all satisfied, until I realized that I had, quite inadvertently, chosen the same damn colors as I did atleast seven years ago. *Shaking my head*.
Oh well. Plus ça change, apparently.
In other news, I'm (at least for the moment) no longer a grad student.
And I have a new booklist. Right now, it is mostly a carry-forward of books that I did not get to the last year. But, I intend to update that list soon.
That's one of my intentions for this new year.
How about y'all?
[Wait...Wasn't it just yesterday that I was an awkward teen (preteen?) leaning out of my grandmother's balcony yelling, "Happy New Year! Happy New Year!" in a valiant attempt at wild revelry within my meager means? No? Damn!]
This year, I thought I'd start by getting a new blog-look.
And so I've spent the last two hours choosing a blog template and and re-doing the colors and fonts.
I was quite ready to call it quits, all satisfied, until I realized that I had, quite inadvertently, chosen the same damn colors as I did atleast seven years ago. *Shaking my head*.
Oh well. Plus ça change, apparently.
In other news, I'm (at least for the moment) no longer a grad student.
And I have a new booklist. Right now, it is mostly a carry-forward of books that I did not get to the last year. But, I intend to update that list soon.
That's one of my intentions for this new year.
How about y'all?
I have a new blog-look for the new year, too! And I have plenty of books I intend to read, since I read fewer books last year than in any other year of my life since I could read books. Another intention is to get back to simple journaling, whether publicly or privately -- just noting things day by day, somehow, without waiting for the muse. Because lately my muse is ragey, and I want to be less so.