
Thursday, July 5, 2012

They're playing our game

***Edit: A Dear Witch pointed out that 'Sea of Sadness' was, on the scale of the dramatic, rather high. I edit this post to clarify that on said scale, it was meant to point to about 2 and a half (where 12 is the highest degree of drama) and therefore not meant to be more-than-usually dramatic. P.S. Witch, I lau you.***

The one where I dislike the place,
But love the people enough to miss them
Even as I'm thankful
for life's small mercies
That let me be.

I was just about to drown in a sea of sadness (and, appallingly, self-pity) when I saw this post  by beautiful Xhelsea:

Realize how very powerful you are as a woman, and what you can do—that your body can expand and grow, and you can still be whole regardless of what people say or how many people say it. Be powerful and grow into that woman, and let the earth inside of you. And whatever it is that is dark, turn it into light when it comes out of you. Don’t let it enter you and be darkness, and don’t be the darkness that the thing is. Be the light of the darkness.
Olympia Vernon

And so, I'm grateful again for small mercies from a vast, vast universe.

On another note, there's a new kid on the blog (cringe away, dear reader, cringe away).