
Saturday, March 17, 2012

And, so it is

That was that. The break week has ended. My desk is littered with scraps of lists carried over from one day to another. I've completed  only about a fourth of what I'd planned.
This makes me anxious.

I really need to focus on and be glad for the things that I got done.*

But, on the flip side - Spring's Here! It's Sunshine. And green trees. And white trees. And yellow trees. And Purple Trees.
And, I've started reading The City & The City - Go read it!

Aight, while I go away and mope about school, y'all be good and enjoy spring, yeah?

*Which, dear reader is a bit of a bugger when you see the next two months looming towards you.


  1. Unsolicited advice ahead...!! Dont worry so much ma'am...!! life is to live, not to hurry and def. not to complete a never ending series of "to do" lists.

    Forgive me if I crossed the line.

  2. A quarter is a good percentage for spring break! I could never manage to do anything but sleep :)

  3. "I could never manage to do anything but sleep :)"

    \m/ now we are talking...!! :)

  4. Anonymous - Lol @ your last comment and well, perhaps, at your first. But also, identify thyself, yeah?

    Simbly B. - If only that part about it being a good percentage were true, sister.

  5. me is hmmm... the ghost who walks....!! muhahahahahaha.... :P
