
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Of Mice and Men

Aight - so, this summer has been a washout.
Of everything I had lined up - zilch has worked out. I still have a thesis to write. I still have comps to take. And I'm on the other side of the globe from access to a decent library.

On the plus side, I'm (kinda, sorta) around now. I have * some * access to the internet (mostly to email, sometimes to Blogger). And while the boy grapples with the emergency, I'm trying to plot some kind of  return to normalcy.

I get back to summer reading today - and I just got done with the Iron Council. How are y'all faring, then?


  1. As did I. But, come back on, a.b.

  2. I'm still on the book wagon, but going a little slow. I just started Iron Council and I'm having a hard time getting into it. Have you seen the Rejectionist's . . . ramble . . . on China Mieville? It's basically how I feel about all his books, although I haven't gotten to Embassytown yet.

    Good wishes for everything!
