
Friday, April 1, 2011

An Odd, Odd day

I'm having one of the oddest days that I have had in a long, long time.
(And not in a ooh-look-chocolate-people kind of way.)

Today has been full of dropping hot coffee, knocking over a glass of hot water, headaches, losing my wallet, and running out of gas, bad feedback on thesis work, and dealing with drunk students (okay, a drunk student, but several terribly prepared ones).

But oddly enough, it has also been a day of finding much affection and random acts of ordinary kindness: like free coffee (a friend was buying me coffee and when the barista heard of my wallet loss, he was kind enough to make me a free drink and threw in a pastry) and the timely rescue by another friend who lent me money to buy gas to get home (thanks, Miz Z.). Eventually, I also found my wallet (by far the most unexpected of today's weirdnesses). Anywho, I'm incredibly grateful for all of this.

Sure, I still have to deal with the unexpectedly bad feedback about my own work.
And with that whole issue of the passive-aggressive, v. entitled and mildly drunk freshman.
But, for the moment, I'm sending out a great whopping thanks for some very reasonably-sized mercies.

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