
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rant, also much self-paavam-ing

Long ago, elsewhere, I said to someone that I didn't have the time to be ill.
I'm in that position, again.

I have a presentation, which I'm still working on and have to get done in the next hour or so.
(Because until a few minutes before my presentation tomorrow, I'm in conferences with students about an argumentative synthesis.)
My idea for a paper was just shot down (albeit gently) by a prof whom I respect (and adore beyond belief).
And, I'm all fluey and can't seem to keep any food down (aha! the real reason for my indulgent, ranting post).
On the plus side, I'm able to keep down barrels of coffee and chocolate. That's something, right?


  1. There's a lot of too-busy-to-be-sick going around lately, although in academia it never seems like there's a good time to be sick. Hope you're feeling better!

  2. Thanks, Eileen! (And ain't that true about academia.)
