
Thursday, March 24, 2011


Speaking to Australo earlier today, I finally heard:

(and suddenly, the still from a.b.'s blog makes sense)

But, Oh deary, deary me!
Alright, it is a ridiculous song. But I'm not as cut up about it as several others seem.
(My first thoughts were: is this a pre-kindergarten educational vid? Until the street-cred rapping comes in.)

The things that made me really laugh out loud were these twitter comments:

  • @RyanBogas21 - Breaking news: According to Rebecca Black tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards!
  • @RKingPan - What is this Rebecca Black song? Earbleed!
  • @ericjhagen - Thank you Rebecca Black, for ruining my ears every time I hear the word "Friday"
  • @itsaaronrogers - I noticed that Rebecca Black is now trending.#prayforjapan isn't despite the fact that Japan is facing the threat of a nuclear meltdown.
  • @jenhartry - which songwriter is responsible for Rebecca Black's 'Friday'? You should be ashamed of yourself!!!

And that's from here, btw

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