
Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day 5 - Snow. Behaving like my undergrads. Dystopian Fiction. X.

Living in a town that completely shuts down for a snow storm and every small flurry that follows is making me highly stir-crazy. There's piles of work to be done. Papers to edit, student stuff to grade, classes to plan for, people to go meet. Everything except places to go without causing bodily harm to self or someone else.

And thus confined to the home-space, I have, instead of catching up with work (like a good grad student), been slacking off, eating and paying of my sleep-debt. Of course, I've also taken to re-runs of The Office - but I'm putting that down as research for some future paper.* On the upside, I've found a whole new obsession: the gradcafe forums.

Okay, I am kidding about the completely-slacking-off bit. I've been reading Yevgney Zamyatin's We and thinking about dystopian fiction as satire.** While I haven't made much headway on the latter, the book itself has been giving me some fantastically futuristically disturbed dreams.
Do Not Enjoy. Really.
Dear Sandman, I'd like my oblivious sleep returned to me asap. Thank you.

Yawn. Okay. I'm going to go and try to wrench that deal with the sand-feller now.
And yes, I realize I'm turning this in a bit late for Day 5. But to SimblyBored, thank you for the nudging.

*okay, more on this, soon. 
** also, homework

1 comment:

  1. I blame it on the weather. I was completely unproductive too (unless you count eating, video games and pointless TV watching)
