
Monday, February 28, 2011

Day 28: And so it is

The end  of a month - of twenty eight days of one post a day.
Cheating, token-posting, not posting at all, and multi-posting, we've reached the end of a whole month.

This has been restorative, exciting and painful all at once.
It has been an exorcism, a pillow, a salve, an astringent (that's as far as the metaphor will stretch).

And now for the sappy, but inevitable notes of gratitude:
To Ruthie, who agreed to go this way with me and kept up her end of the bargain - much love. You, my dear, are a calming influence.

In the same breath, to Miss Linz, for the coffee and for also being such a calming presence.

To the sibling, who lurks - I love you, even if your computer was on the fritz.
To DMenon, who tried - you're a rockstar for pushing through and getting through training.

To S.B. who despite school, frozen pipes, and exams, has posted consistently (what! only one toke post?), recruited Cab. Merlignon, tagged me and kept conversations going. I haven't forgotten the last tag, by the way - there's a post coming up there.

To A.B., among the most beautiful people I know, your creativity makes my day. Thank you for the conversations, for the lunches with the vile cheesy chips, for jumping on the blog-wagon midway and sticking with it, through snow and earthquakes. Your double posting days made up for the missed ones.

To The Phoenix a fantastic dancer, and a dear friend: for invoking Buffy, for reminding me to fight off my demons, for sharing Twilight Zone. I'm glad we took that midnight walk.

To Moses Jo, who has fallen off the wagon on account of distractions not the least of which is a wedding. Congratulations.

To TG, who doesn't know that this place exists, but is nonetheless a part of me.

To Professori, who is reading, yes? You are an adorable, adorable man (even if you're always lurking). Thank you for appearing quite out of the blue and for hanging around. Even if you have predicted my inevitable death-by-wistfulness.

And finally, to Witch #1 and Witch #2, I owe a very special thanks.
You are impossible to tag since you have both resisted my feminine wiles to get you to blog.
But here's to you both, for being around across timezones, across continents. For listening to me bawl my heart out. For keeping me through the crazy. It hasn't quite passed yet, but knowing you'll be around helps.

So long, blogathon, and thanks for all the fish.
Regular broadcasting resumes tomorrow.

P.S.: I know I promised gifts - I'm working on them. 

1 comment:

  1. I just hope we keep at it. It was fun reading everyone's blogs. And if I have to write so others read, so be it :)
