
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

28 days

I've been thinking a lot of Paper Tiger and his Gradually, But With Love.
Specifically, like him, I'm thinking of (and cringing at) the entirely-too-emotional tone that this space has taken.
(And that of course, is but a reflection of the horrible, horrible, boggy state of mind.)*

*  *   *   *   *
I've been very, diffused lately.
Once again family, friends, old loves and even perfect strangers have stepped in to keep the warmth in and cold air out, until I could breathe. And for that, I'm very thankful. In an attempt at discipline (and at providing some kind of adhesive to this newfound, albeit tentative, sanity), we're going to try a month of consistent writing blogging. What better month than the shortest then, eh?

Whirlus Windus and R.D.P jumped right on board. And I'm inviting the rest of y'all A.B., Australo, Simblybored and anyone else reading to come on along, then.

Look at the sticky post for the rules.
Go on then, y'all, hop on this train. Keep me going (this is, afterall, about me, right?)
And mail me ( to let me know that you're on board. I'll add you up to the scroll list here.

* Of course I'm not claiming that I feel this in the same way that D.Q. did. All I'm saying is that I've been thinking of his "about me" section a bit lately, and it gives me, um, the words.

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